Tuesday, April 5, 2022



John 17:23-24                    (ESV)

“[23] “I IN THEM” and YOU in ME, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as YOU loved ME. [24] FATHER, I desire that they also, whom YOU have given ME, may be with ME where I am, to see MY glory that YOU have given ME because YOU loved ME before the foundation of the world”.

The Scripture verses above should be the first taught to ”newborn” Believers, in my humble opinion!  Far too many blood-bought Believers are left to Spiritually “grow on their own” and have to EXPERIENCE GOD and JESUS are actually LIVING inside of us instead of being taught!  However, we often live in defeat when JESUS actually said “I IN THEM”!  

While I understand that just talking about someone or something doesn’t do them justice, if you ACTUALLY have THE CREATOR living inside of you you would think that making HIS PRESENCE known to all would be our greatest achievement?  Instead most want to masque “I IN THEM” from anyone who might need to SEE HIS GLORY living inside of us.  Of course, “I IN THEM” could CHOOSE us because we were “worthy” of being CHOSEN, but I, and no one else, would qualify!!!

It has been wisely said that “the closer you get to JESUS, your unworthiness becomes more evident!”  Why would THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES CHOOSE a poor wretch such as me to inhabit?  Words are not adequate to explain why HE selected me, but I AM SO GLAD HE DID!!!  JESUS and GOD are ONE (John 10:30) and JESUS LIVES IN ME!  

“I IN THEM” shall be a TESTAMENT that I exemplify proudly as HIS SALVATION Is THAT important to me!  What about you???

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