Thursday, April 28, 2022



1 John 5:13-15                                (ESV)

That You May Know

“[13] I write these things to you WHO BELIEVE in the NAME of the SON of GOD, “THAT YOU MAY KNOW” that you have eternal life. [14] And this is the confidence that we have toward HIM, that if we ask anything according to HIS will HE hears us. [15] And if we know that HE hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of HIM.”

How can we KNOW that we are a part of the CHOSEN of GOD?  Throughout Scripture the CHOSEN are referred to, but how do we BE CERTAIN that we will NOT be forgotten on Judgement Day and be CAST OUT into the lake of fire?  The focal Scriptures today begin with “I write these things”.  The entire book of 1 John might be what John was referring to, but especially 1 John 5:12 which says “Whoever has the SON has life; whoever does not have the SON of GOD does not have life.”

VERIFY is defined as “to establish the TRUTH, accuracy, or reality of”.  WHO is going to VERIFY WHO is able to “enter into the Joy of your MASTER” (Matthew 25:23).  Since we have JESUS abiding WITH us through the HOLY SPIRIT, and we have the assurance that HE will NEVER leave us (Joshua 1:5), why shouldn’t we have the PEACE that HE has PROMISED (John 14:27)!  Living “in fear” is allowing “the enemy” to abide where he has ALREADY been expelled (removed) from.  We should NOT elect to allow the glitz and glamor of “the father of lies” (John 8:44) to infect our thoughts and minds when his defeat has been finalized by JESUS on Calvary!  

Staying IN THE WORD is imperative to we WHO BELIEVE in the NAME of the SON of GOD, “THAT YOU MAY KNOW” that you have eternal life!  Ingesting TRUTH is so paramount to sustaining LIFE and we need to have our EYES OPENED to that TRUTH. FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause this humble servant to understand that I must FEED on TRUTH and allow YOUR SPIRIT to continue to defeat “the enemy”!  Open my EYES to understand “THAT YOU MAY KNOW” needs to be nourished with YOUR WORD!!!

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