Tuesday, April 19, 2022



Romans 7:14-20                                 (ESV)

“[14] For we know that the law is spiritual, but I AM OF THE FLESH, sold under sin. [15] “FOR I DO NOT UNDERSTAND MY OWN ACTIONS”. For I DO NOT do what I want, but I DO THE VERY THING I HATE. [16] Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. [17] So now it is no longer I who do it, but SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME. [18] For I know that NOTHING GOOD dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but NOT THE ABILITY TO CARRY IT OUT. [19] For I do not do the good I want, but THE EVIL I DO NOT WANT IS WHAT I KEEP DOING. [20] Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but “SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME”.”

The letter to the church located in the city of Rome was probably written in 57 or 58 A.D., or thereabouts.  Most say JESUS was crucified in the early 30’s, so the letter to the Romans was probably written about 25 years following the Crucifixion of JESUS. Most likely, Saul (later known as Paul) was converted about 6 to 8 years following the crucifixion of JESUS. Assuming these dates are valid, Paul wrote these verses over 20 years after being converted by the HOLY SPIRIT, yet he was left with sin “in his life”, as we all have been.   

The seven verses of Scripture above end with “SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME”.  My limited understanding has always seen Paul as the ultimate BELIEVER, one who I seem to picture as above sin?  What Paul wrote about his weaknesses though, not only in Romans but in several letters, was that “in his weaknesses he was made strong” (2 Corinthians 12:9)!  

My feeble attempt at living “above sin” is frustratingly weak for the most part.  Why can’t I just live a HOLY life, one that exudes JESUS with every breath I am permitted to breathe?  Verse 17 above says “So now it is no longer I who do it, but SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME”.  What I FREQUENTLY need to be reminded of is that JESUS paid the ultimate penalty to REDEEM the lowest of creation and grow me into a man that HE is able to use for HIS GLORY!

Do I facilitate HOLINESS being exhibited in my life, or am I too wrapped up in the cares of “this world” to be made into a vessel that GLORIFIES HIS NAME?  “SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME” can rear its ugly head at the most unexpected moments.  FATHER IN HEAVEN, YOU have worked TREMENDOUSLY HEAVENLY miracles in my life.  Cause me to yield to YOUR guidance and allow the “SIN THAT DWELLS WITHIN ME” to be overcome!!!

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