Monday, April 18, 2022



Matthew 7:13-14                           (ESV)

“[13] “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. [14] For the gate is narrow and the way is hard “THAT LEADS TO LIFE”, and THOSE WHO FIND IT ARE FEW.”

The road less traveled????

Recently driving home from out of town the decision was made to take a longer path than was taken driving from home because of the Interstate highway.  The journey is much less stressful!  The two-lane highway has A LOT more “less attentive” driving and my tolerance wasn’t what I needed it to be, so I avoided the temptation of dealing with others!  Traveling the less traveled road can be more challenging than the “easy” way, but a traffic jam or accident would have proven to take more time than taking the shorter distance.  

Almost the entire seventh chapter of Matthew are WORDS spoken by JESUS.  HE lovingly advises us to CHOOSE the path that “avoids” DESTRUCTION, a path that is CHOSEN by MANY!  Why would we “elect” to travel a path that has known “traffic jams” or vehicles broken down?  Maybe because our CREATOR has it in HIS PLAN to USE us in a way that only HE can?  

Personally, I don’t have the wisdom nor intellect to select a path FREE from pitfalls!  While I might “think” that I “know” what is best for my life, only ALMIGHTY GOD “knows” what our future holds!  HE could be leading us down a path where we will be used to GLORIFY HIS NAME that will be TREMENDOUSLY worth our journey?  Only HE “knows” the path “THAT LEADS TO LIFE” and it is our OBEDIENCE to follow HIS lead!!!  TRUSTING JESUS is the way “THAT LEADS TO LIFE”, something I pray that my goal will always be?!?!?

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