Saturday, April 23, 2022



James 1:12-15                    (ESV)

“[12] Blessed is the man who remains “STEADFAST UNDER TRIAL”, for when he has STOOD THE TEST he will receive the crown of life, which GOD has promised to those who love HIM. [13] Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by GOD,” for GOD cannot be tempted with evil, and HE HIMSELF TEMPTS NO ONE. [14] But each person is tempted when he is LURED AND ENTICED BY HIS OWN DESIRE . [15] Then DESIRE when it has conceived GIVES BIRTH TO SIN, and SIN when it is fully grown BRINGS FORTH DEATH.”

Wintley Phipps, noted pastor and Gospel music singer, once said “It is in the quiet “crucible” of your personal, private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born, and GOD’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you’ve been through.” A “crucible” has been defined as “a severe, searching test or trial”!  Having our EYES OPENED to fully understand that TRIALS (difficulties, tests, trying times) aren’t FROM GOD, but are used by GOD to mature us into a vessel that GLORIFIES HIM can be an EXTREMELY difficult experience.  However, these troubling times are invaluable to a Believer when we remain “STEADFAST UNDER TRIAL”!

It can be very easy to become enamored with those who claim that ALMIGHTY GOD desires to make us all wealthy and prosperous.  However, some of the most influential tools in my life have been people who were humble and NOT WEALTHY in the sight of man, but were BLESSED to be used by GOD to assist in my maturity.  Is my seemingly constant “immaturity” then due to a failure of their influence on me?  No, it is a result of “SIN when it is fully grown BRINGS FORTH DEATH”!  

It is my desire to be used by ALMIGHTY GOD to draw Honor and Glory to HIS NAME!  To remain “STEADFAST UNDER TRIAL” will magnify HIS NAME far better than singing a hymn to praying in front of a congregation.  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause this servant to desire to Glorify YOUR NAME and remain “STEADFAST UNDER TRIAL” in every opportunity presented to me!!!

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