Monday, October 17, 2022


 James 5:7-9                              (ESV)

Patience in Suffering

“[7] “BE PATIENT”, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the LORD. See how the farmer WAITS for the precious fruit of the earth, being PATIENT about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. [8] You also, “BE PATIENT”. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the LORD is at hand. [9] Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the JUDGE is standing at the door.”

Noticing an “older than I am” acquaintance on a social media site recently caused me to reminisce about the journey I have traveled in my brief life, but far longer than others have been blessed with.  The fact that I am older than my grandfather when I observed him tearing up a check that my great-grandfather wrote to him for carrying his final milk cow to the cattle auction was almost alarming, but very true!  Our time here is limited, even though we don’t SEE that TRUTH when we are operating at the speed of “this world”.

We tend to get so caught up in the “hurriedness” of living that we don’t enjoy LIFE from time to time.  It was just revealed to me that the temperature is supposed to be in the 30’s tonight, an indication that the summer heat might be nearing an end.  Enjoying the warm weather before the cold of winter is something that I have to remind myself how blessed I am to experience.  Before the Brain Hemorrhage, I was extremely hot natured, wearing very little warm clothing in the dead of winter.  Since, I am very cold natured, even wearing long sleeved shirts during the summer months!  

Like my friend I saw this morning, I am a bit older than I used to be!  But I understand that it is ONLY by the Grace of GOD that any of us are still here, on planet earth!  We are here FOR A PURPOSE, to celebrate HIS goodness and grace to a lost and dying world.  Sure, we are only here for a short time, but we need to “BE PATIENT” and live in the TRUTH that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control of the very breath that we breathe, NOT US!!!

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