Monday, October 31, 2022


 Proverbs 30:7-9                     (ESV)

    “[7] Two things I ask of YOU;

        deny them not to me before I die: 

    [8] Remove far from me falsehood and lying;

        give me neither poverty nor riches;

        feed me with the food that is needful for me, 

    [9] lest I be full and deny YOU

        and say, “WHO IS THE LORD?”

    or lest I be poor and steal

        and profane the name of my GOD.”

Solomon was the WISEST man alive, not by his own actions, but by the direction of his CREATOR (1 Kings 4:29-30).  According to most, he made some decisions that were not an example of Godly Wisdom, but his earthly smarts.  These verses, however, made a statement that Solomon understood that it is ALMIGHTY GOD WHO is over EVERYTHING, and HE leads us where HIS PLAN calls!  

Since Solomon was known to be a man that sometimes listened to “the dark side” of his intellect, he knew that reaping the rewards for his actions was a certainty.  That regrettably didn’t mean that his decisions were always the wisest, even though GOD had placed HIS wisdom inside of him for Solomon’s benefit and GODS Glory!

Does this make any sense for Solomon to reject Godly Wisdom and accept his choices?  He had Godly Wisdom, but occasionally he CHOSE to listen to his earthly desires rather than LISTEN to the Godly Wisdom that GOD had BLESSED him with at times?  

Do I sometimes do THE SAME THING?  We have THE WORD OF GOD, a testament of HIS instruction manual, and yet I get so “busy” in the things of “this world” that I listen the cares of my surroundings rather than slowing down and listening for DIVINE INSTRUCTION!!!  This lowly servant needs to be FOREVER making sure that I am asking “WHO IS THE LORD” when I am being presented with options for the choices for my future!  James 4:7 says “Submit yourselves therefore to GOD. RESIST the devil, and he will FLEE from you”.  Proverbs 28:26 “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a FOOL, but he who walks in WISDOM will be delivered”.  “WHO IS THE LORD” will be very clear when we submit to HIM!!!

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