Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 James 5:7-9                              (ESV)

Patience in Suffering

“[7] BE PATIENT, therefore, brothers, UNTIL THE COMING OF THE LORD. “SEE HOW THE FARMER WAITS” for the PRECIOUS FRUIT of the earth, being PATIENT about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. [8] You also, BE PATIENT. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the LORD is at hand. [9] Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the JUDGE is standing at the door.”

My grandfather was EXTRAORDINARILY gifted as a farmer.  Most mornings he would be in his garden before the sun came up tending to his crops, usually with no reward until the harvest was complete.  He had other talents, but farming was something that he did most of his life of almost 90 years!  One might think that BEING PATIENT would come naturally to an older person, however it is not something that has been easy for this humble servant!  It seemed as though my grandfather knew that he would not be able to plant seeds and expect to receive fully mature plants within a few days.  After turning 62 earlier this year, I am probably STILL learning that growth of plants, as well as humans, is controlled by our CREATOR, ALMIGHTY GOD!

“SEE HOW THE FARMER WAITS” is a statement that one CANNOT be expecting unrealistic growth WITHOUT a certain period of time in the ground.  From my experience, seeds HAVE to be planted (buried) before they can go through the process of producing fruit!  As humans, most are born with the mentality that we need to produce to be considered “worth our while” (Meriting one's time or efforts)!  Most are operating at such a pace that we are unable to consider the probable consequences of our actions before it is time to experience what those SEEDS produce!  

Being “older” lends itself to being able to recognize TRUTHS more than in my youth. While my inexperience and lack of discipline may have led me to “dig up the seeds” to see if they were growing, allowing GOD to keep those seeds covered in the ground is exactly what they needed at times!  GROWTH tends to happen when the SEEDS are in the soil, not when they are observed by those who don’t have knowledge of the growing process!  We need to BE PATIENT and “SEE HOW THE FARMER WAITS” for his rewards for his labor, both physical and SPIRITUAL!!!

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