Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Exodus 14:19-20                          (ESV)

“[19] Then the ANGEL of GOD WHO was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the Pillar of Cloud MOVED FROM BEFORE THEM and STOOD BEHIND THEM, [20] coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was “THE CLOUD AND THE DARKNESS”. And it LIT UP THE NIGHT without one coming near the other all night.”

The Children of Israel were CHOSEN by ALMIGHTY GOD to demonstrate HIS MIRACULOUS work to and through them!  But their “lack of FAITH” was always displaying itself in demonstrative ways when they needed show it most!  One might expect them to be prepared for an upcoming “trial”, but they were seemingly always caught off guard, not expecting “the enemy” to show up when he did!

In the passage of Scripture above, “the enemy” (the darkness) was rendered harmless by THE CLOUD (GOD) “without one coming near the other all night.”  THE DARKNESS create FEAR just by the sight of its presence, BUT JESUS is the LIGHT (John 8:12) of the world and FEAR has to flee when HE is present!  The Children of Israel had a choice between looking at “THE CLOUD AND THE DARKNESS”!  

We too have the option of looking at the DARK TRIALS of “the enemy” or looking at the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!  The option seems rather simple and certain when you don’t have THE DARKNESS around you.  But when THE CLOUD (GOD) abides in us we SEE DARKNESS, then FEAR has to flee!  

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