Friday, October 14, 2022


 Galatians 2:17-19                           (ESV)

“[17] But if, in our endeavor to be JUSTIFIED IN CHRIST, we too were found to be sinners, is CHRIST then a servant of sin? “CERTAINLY NOT!” [18] For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor. [19] For through the law I DIED TO THE LAW, SO THAT I MIGHT LIVE TO GOD.”

Living IN CHRIST does NOT indicate that we will never sin again!  As a matter of fact, in his first epistle to Timothy the Apostle Paul writes “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, OF WHOM I AM THE FOREMOST”, or the KJV uses the word CHIEF!  In my opinion, the Apostle Paul was probably the most dedicated servant we have the privilege of reading about.  Yet, he called himself the chief of sinners???

When we SEE where we are IN CHRIST compared to who we KNOW we were when we were lost, it is an EXTREMELY HUMBLING experience!  The Apostle Paul, the author of Galatians as well, was rather clear (yet emphatic) about he was the FOREMOST of sinners, but JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT!!  He wrote in the today’s focal passage that JESUS was “CERTAINLY NOT” a sinner, but in 1 Timothy that he was the FOREMOST of sinners!

It is difficult for me to rank myself above anyone about anything!  But in 1 Timothy 1:16, the verse where he admits he is the worst of sinners, Paul writes “But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the FOREMOST, JESUS CHRIST might display HIS PERFECT PATIENCE as an example to those who were to Believe in HIM for eternal life.”  HE displays HIS PERFECT PATIENCE for the FOREMOST OF SINNERS because HE LOVES US!  And is it because we are worthy, “CERTAINLY NOT!”, but because of HIS LOVE for us!!!

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