Tuesday, October 25, 2022


 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15                  (ESV)

Stand Firm

“[13] But we ought always to give thanks to GOD for you, brothers beloved by the LORD, because “GOD CHOSE YOU” as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the SPIRIT and Belief in the TRUTH. [14] To this HE CALLED YOU our gospel, so that you may obtain the Glory of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. [15] So then, brothers, STAND FIRM and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.”

The following statement was written by someone who is “educated”, as the prefix before the author’s name was “Dr.”.  

“If this year were your last, would you spend the next hour mindlessly checking your social media, or would you read something that uplifts you instead? Would you compose a snarky comment on this article, or use the time to call a friend to see how she is doing?”

Having your EYES OPENED to SEE what lies in the future is a humbling, yet exhilarating thing!  KNOWING that I am one of the CHOSEN by the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES to worship and adore HIM for eternity gives me PEACE that is indescribable.  

The church at Thessalonica was who the Apostle Paul was writing to, but as Believers we benefit from his messages written in the first century following the sacrificial, atoning death, burial and resurrection of JESUS.  “But we ought always to give thanks to GOD for you, brothers beloved by the LORD, because “GOD CHOSE YOU” as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the SPIRIT and Belief in the TRUTH. To this HE CALLED YOU our gospel, so that you may obtain the Glory of our LORD JESUS CHRIST” cannot be improved upon, in my humble opinion!  “GOD CHOSE YOU” is the ONLY thing that sets me apart from the rest of Creation!  

We need to take the time to LISTEN to OUR CREATOR and let HIM give us guidance and direction for our lives!  Trying to figure out what we need to accomplish in “this world” is as futile as anything I can imagine.  The Apostle’s all left “this world” not owning much!  But they all left KNOWING “GOD CHOSE YOU” and that was enough!  What will you do with the knowledge that “GOD CHOSE YOU”???

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