Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!!

 Finding the words to properly enunciate your thoughts is difficult for many, but a hemorrhage located in the “word recall” portion of your brain causes some of us to THINK about what you are saying more completely before voicing your thoughts!  

In November 1621, just over 400 years ago, the newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest feast, an event regarded as America’s “first Thanksgiving” according to some.  Others say it began even earlier, but the thing that is vastly overlooked by most is that ALMIGHTY GOD has provided us with benevolent enough to bestow PEACE and SECURITY to us and some want to only PRAISE HIM one day a year for HIS PROVISION???

You might not have time right now to absorb Isaiah 42 entirely (25 verses!), but from what I remember of 2007 following the aforementioned brain hemorrhage, I had nothing but time to CONSIDER where I had been AND where I was going!  Our CREATOR has an unfathomable amount of ability to extend our lives, AND the same ability to end our earthly lives!  

We NEED to give HIM more than just one day of THANKS!  We should daily give HIM PRAISE and ADORATION for allowing us to reflect HIS GLORY in “this world”!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING should be celebrated everyday!!!

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