Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 2 Peter 1:3-4                                     (ESV)

Confirm Your Calling and Election

“[3] HIS DIVINE POWER has “GRANTED TO US” ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE and GODLINESS, through the knowledge of HIM WHO called us to HIS OWN GLORY and excellence, [4] by which HE has “GRANTED TO US” HIS precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”

The SPIRIT OF GOD directed me to 2 Peter 1 during this study, and the words “GRANTED TO US” kept leaping from the words of the Bible into my heart and began to speak to me.  Although the word GRANT is defined as “to give or bestow”, when one receives a GRANT it normally costs them NOTHING!  It is FREE!  

HIS DIVINE POWER has “GRANTED TO US” ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE and GODLINESS is what GOD was speaking to me through HIS WORD when I was searching Scripture recently.  Our HEAVENLY FATHER “GRANTED TO US” (or will) everything that is needed to achieve HIS PLAN for our lives!  The same GOD WHO orchestrated the Red Sea crossing for HIS CHILDREN known as the Israelites has “HIS precious and VERY GREAT PROMISE, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”

When our EYES are OPENED to SEE the TRUTH being fulfilled in our lives, it is almost breathtaking, causing me to ponder what THE LORD is trying to accomplish in my Brain Damaged mind?  GOD IS ABLE, able to use even someone who has been in “the valley of the shadow of death”, to accomplish HIS PURPOSE!  HE has GRANTED TO ME life for over 62 years and I will serve HIM EVERYDAY HE permits me to breathe HIS oxygen!  When we FINALLY are able to SEE what has been “GRANTED TO US” by HIS DIVINE POWER, we have NO CHOICE but to serve HIM!!!

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