Thursday, November 17, 2022


John 14:6                               (ESV)

“JESUS said to him, “I AM the way, and “THE TRUTH”, and the LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.

Recently I was exposed to a story of a retired military officer and he was quoted as saying “I call it a war of narratives where there is distraction. There’s deception. There’s truth.  There is some physical aspects of it.  “Smart generals over the history of time have always used distraction, deception, untruths, and mixed with some truth.”  This military man spoke what he observed as true, but the dissemination of TRUTH wasn’t something that he speaking about.

JESUS had just washed HIS disciples feet, an act of servitude that was usually reserved for servants!  Yet THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES subjected HIMSELF lowering of what HE knew about HIMSELF and serving the needs of HIS followers for the Glory of HIS FATHER!  While it is accepted that the disciples were CHOSEN, ALL of them were flawed, some to a great degree.  Why did the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS (Colossians 1:16) bow to washing the feet of the disciples shortly before HIS crucifixion?  

Shortly thereafter, JESUS spoke to them “I AM the way, and “THE TRUTH”, and the LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME”!  A few days later JESUS was crucified on Calvary, something that HE knew would bring separation from THE FATHER!  Yes, JESUS had never experienced being alone from GOD THE FATHER until HE was on the cross of Calvary.  “THE TRUTH” is that this sacrificial offering had to be paid in order for my wretchedness to gain salvation from the punishment I deserved!  And THAT is “THE TRUTH”, no matter how many times we humans misuse the word!!!

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