Wednesday, November 30, 2022


 Psalm 51:16-17                         (ESV)

    “[16] For YOU will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;

        YOU will not be pleased with a burnt offering. 

    [17] The sacrifices of GOD are a “BROKEN”spirit;

        a “BROKEN” and contrite heart, O GOD, you will not despise.”

The following devotional was shared this morning by a fellow BELIEVER:

“”God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to produce rain, broken grain to give bread and broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is the broken Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever” (Anonymous).

The little boy gave his lunch to Jesus, who blessed it, broke it, and used it to feed the five thousand men (Matthew 14:18-22).  When we allow ourselves to be broken for Him, God is able to use us.

GOD, break us, mold us, and make us into something usable for You. Amen.””

“When we allow ourselves to be “BROKEN” for HIM, GOD is able to use us” is a concept that might be extremely difficult to understand and implement.   Prior to July 09, 2007 I was living life at such a pace that I was unable to SEE life passing me by!  After being placed in a drug-induced coma for almost three weeks, I was awakened on July 29, 2007 with my Brain healed from the “BROKEN” blood VESSEL in my brain, but my thoughts were moving as though they were in molasses.  

In the 15+ years since, GOD has displayed to me that HE is more satisfied with PRAISE than any service we can offer!  However, HE had to have me “BROKEN” for me to be able to SEE this!  Humanity needs to be “BROKEN” before we SEE the need for a SAVIOR!  ONLY JESUS can cure for our “BROKEN” lives!!!

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