Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 Matthew 8:23-27                            (ESV)

JESUS Calms a Storm

“[23] And when HE got into the boat, HIS disciples followed HIM. [24] And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but HE was asleep. [25] And they went and woke him, saying, “SAVE US, LORD; we are perishing.” [26] And HE said to them, “Why are you afraid, “O YOU OF LITTLE FAITH”?” Then HE rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, AND THERE WAS GREAT CALM. [27] And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey HIM?””

“The disciples” were CHOSEN (hand picked) by JESUS when he began HIS ministry.  The occupations of many of the disciples was fishermen, so they were accustomed to “the storms” of life.  But their FAITH had to be strengthened by THE CREATOR to serve HIM the way HE needed them to, displaying HIS ability and OMNISCIENCE to deliver them through any “storm”!  

JESUS and HIS disciples had finished performing MANY miracles near and in Capernaum.  A few verses earlier (v14), Scriptures record JESUS entering the house of Peter and healing his mother in law from a “fever”, and she rose and began to serve HIM!  Why didn’t HIS disciples SEE that JESUS healed this lady so fully and completely that she was able (and willing!) to begin serving HIM immediately???

Only a brief time later, JESUS and HIS disciples got into a boat to “go to the other side” of the Sea of Galilee!  Storms are “common” on the Sea of Galilee, something that THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES undoubtedly understood.  Why did JESUS desire to traverse a body of water where severe storms were common?  Maybe because HE KNEW that HIS disciples needed to SEE HIM delivering them from the forces of “nature” and display that HE controls those forces?!?

“Why are you afraid, “O YOU OF LITTLE FAITH”?” is something that I need to be asked from time to time.  The morning before the heart surgery in 2017, I was tired and emotional.  My sons hugged my neck, then my wife kissed me and hugged me!  I cried like a baby for a minute, but then it was as if JESUS said “O YOU OF LITTLE FAITH”, I’ve got you bubba!   Within two weeks of the surgery I was walking two miles with NO problems!  “Why are you afraid, “O YOU OF LITTLE FAITH”?” has a TOTALLY different meaning on the other side of the storm!!!

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