Monday, December 19, 2022


 Romans 8:9-11                           (ESV)

“[9] You, however, are not in the flesh but IN THE SPIRIT, if in fact the “SPIRIT OF GOD” dwells in you. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM. [10] But if CHRIST is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the SPIRIT is life because of righteousness. [11] If the SPIRIT of HIM WHO raised JESUS from the dead dwells in you, HE WHO raised CHRIST JESUS from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through HIS SPIRIT WHO dwells in you.”  

Recently I watched a video of a famous man at a professional sporting event with his approximately 10 year old son.  The son didn’t have to be concerned with security because he was with his father who was known by all, because he was a celebrity.  The son just walked behind his famous father who was welcomed because of his celebrity.  

As Believers, we have the “SPIRIT OF GOD”LIVING inside of our very bodies!  ANYONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM according to the passage of Scripture above.  Then why do we CHOOSE to live in DEFEAT, failing to acknowledge WHO is living within our very bodies??  John 10:10 says “the enemy” comes to steal, kill, and destroy, so it is the mission of the devil to prevent us from SEEING precisely WHO we are IN JESUS!!!  We MUST NOT surrender ourselves to the enemy for his defeat to our SAVIOR has already been accomplished!  

Acknowledging WHO we have living inside of us is PRECISELY what “the enemy” wants us to avoid!  Having us live in defeat is a level of victory for him that he can only achieve through our refusal to accept his defeat and our VICTORY through JESUS CHRIST!  Because of the miraculous work of JESUS, we have the “SPIRIT OF GOD” living inside of us.  We need to be more expectant about letting that be known to anyone HE places on our hearts!

Like the son I witnessed walking behind his father in the above statement, we have the protection of our HEAVENLY FATHER through the “SPIRIT OF GOD” living inside of us!  Fear of rejection should not enter our minds.  FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that I will readily profess that the “SPIRIT OF GOD” lives in me and THAT is all that matters!!!

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