Monday, December 12, 2022


 Deuteronomy 8:2-3                         (ESV)

“[2] And “YOU SHALL REMEMBER” THE WHOLE WAY that the LORD your GOD has LED YOU these forty years in the wilderness, that HE MIGHT HUMBLE YOU, TESTING YOU TO KNOW WHAT WAS IN YOUR HEART, whether YOU WOULD KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS OR NOT. [3] And HE HUMBLES YOU and LET YOU HUNGER and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that HE MIGHT MAKE YOU KNOW THAT MAN DOES NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, but man lives by EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF THE LORD.”

THE LORD says in Deuteronomy 7 that HE LOVES the Children of Israel and is keeping the oath that HE swore to their fathers.  It wasn’t because of the worthiness of the Israelites, but because HE had a Covenant with HIS CHOSEN!  But what about the Children of Israel?  Was their steadfastness as dependable?

GOD reminded them “YOU SHALL REMEMBER” their journey, the forty years of “wondering in the wilderness” with no clear answer to where they were going, but FAITH that GOD the ONE was leading them!  Now they were nearing the end of their journey, but GOD needed to remind them “YOU SHALL REMEMBER” as they moved to a place where FAITH IN HIM would be crucial to their success!  The FAITH they would possess would not be in their abilities, but IN THEIR GOD!!!

“”YOU SHALL REMEMBER” THE WHOLE WAY that the LORD your GOD has LED YOU…in the wilderness, that HE MIGHT HUMBLE YOU, TESTING YOU TO KNOW WHAT WAS IN YOUR HEART, whether YOU WOULD KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS OR NOT.”  GOD “prepares” us in different ways.  It is very seldom we see HIS servants being prepared for SERVICE IN THE KINGDOM through living in luxury and without being HUMBLED! 

“YOU SHALL REMEMBER” speaks to me RATHER LOUDLY today!  The SAME GOD WHO delivered the Israelites still performs miracles today!  A quote from my medical records from September 2007 states “However, he (me!) has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from GOD”!   Although “the enemy” attempts to cloud my memory from time to time, “YOU SHALL REMEMBER” is rather easy for me!  All I have to do is BE STILL for a BRIEF moment and it floods my mind……“YOU SHALL REMEMBER!!!”  O I’ll

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