Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 “Your job is to do the best you can, and leave the rest up to GOD!”   Grant Taylor in Facing the Giants

Proverbs 3:5-6                          (ESV)

    “[5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

        and do not lean on your own understanding. 

    [6] In all your ways “ACKNOWLEDGE HIM”,

        and HE will make straight your paths.”


My life was a prime example of doing the most I could “for GOD”, at least until July 09, 2007!  I used quotation marks around “for GOD because that is what I would use to “justify” what I was working on to validate my wishes for HIS BLESSINGS!  Never did I think that GOD would use a 17-day coma to awaken me to how misguided my thoughts and actions were!  The quote at the top of this post is from the movie “Facing the Giants”, a story written by the Kendrick Brothers.  The Kendrick Brothers have been rather successful in their efforts, with more than a few successful films.  

While their movies have been very successful, the phrase above “jumped” all over me when I saw it recently.  The Children of Israel did absolutely NOTHING on the banks of the Red Sea, but ALMIGHTY GOD showed out TREMENDOUSLY when they needed it most!  In 2007, I was sedated for 17 days, not able to even breathe on my own.  ALMIGHTY GOD performed a WORK that even my doctor gives all credit for, because HE IS WORTHY!!

Sometimes HE needs to act alone and “not share HIS GLORY with another” (Isaiah 42:8)!!  When there is a situation that demands DIVINE intervention, GOD deserves to be ACKNOWLEDGED!  Looking the word ACKNOWLEDGE up in the dictionary reveals “To admit the existence or TRUTH of; To express recognition of; make notice of.;To express gratitude or appreciation for or to.”!  It appears that even we who are Believers are TOO BUSY trying to gain more wealth that we don’t take time to BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD!!!

In my life, I now can SEE that I am in a position to “ACKNOWLEDGE HIM” and let HIM keep my paths straight!  It seems that my path direction always leads me toward disaster, but GOD promises to make STRAIGHT our paths!  My prayer is that I will “ACKNOWLEDGE HIM” with my life and HE WILL make straight my paths!!!

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