Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 Psalm 105:1-5                         (ESV)

Tell of All HIS Wondrous Works

    “[1] Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon HIS name;

        make known HIS deeds among the peoples! 

    [2] Sing to HIM, sing praises to HIM;

        tell of all HIS wondrous works! 

    [3] Glory in HIS HOLY NAME;

        let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice! 

    [4] Seek the LORD and HIS strength;

        seek HIS presence continually! 

    [5] “REMEMBER” the wondrous works that HE has done,

        HIS miracles, and the judgments HE uttered, 

   [6] O offspring of Abraham, HIS servant,

        children of Jacob, HIS CHOSEN ones!”

The word “REMEMBER” is used very often on September 11 most years since 2001 as “the enemy” (Luke 10:19)used foreign mercenaries to attack the United States and bring “this world” to a complete halt!  We fail to appreciate and acknowledge that PEACE comes from ABOVE, and we do not acknowledge HIM for PEACE!  We need to “REMEMBER” WHO our PEACE comes from and acknowledge HIM as the giver and provider of PEACE!!!

If “the CHURCH” truly would “REMEMBER” what the first four verses of Psalms 105 says, we wouldn’t have time to fret and fear about what “the enemy” was attempting to pull off.  Sixteen years ago the United States economy was in a tremendous slump, our entire nation was struggling greatly, and we were blaming everyone besides ourselves!  Not only was GOD not being PRAISED for BLESSING the United States to lead the world in 2001, but we wanted to know how we got to the point where we were as the World Trade Center’s were being destroyed???

Sixteen years ago (2007) I was in out-patient rehab, recovering from a “massive brain hemorrhage”!  I was just happy to be alive and not concerned with what was happening politically or socially.  I have to “REMEMBER” from time to time precisely where GOD brought me and that I am HIS CHOSEN!  Why else would I still be here???

No matter from what road you have been delivered from, nor what you are going through, please “REMEMBER” to “Sing to HIM, sing praises to HIM; tell of all HIS wondrous works!”  It is hard to fret and complain about our situation when we “REMEMBER” WHO we belong to!!!

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