Monday, September 25, 2023


 Psalm 33:20-22                        (ESV)

    “[20] Our soul waits for the LORD;

        HE is our help and our shield. 

    [21] For our heart is glad in HIM,

        because we trust in HIS HOLY NAME. 

    [22] Let YOUR steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,

        even as “WE HOPE IN YOU”.”

In reality, our lives are a stage of WHO and WHAT is important to us.  Our spouse, children and grandchildren are certainly important in our lives.  LIFE has so many distractions that can be brought about by everything that we associate with “living”, BUT where do we run when “life” gets too complicated???

These three verses give a glimpse into what WE SHOULD have as our compass, our chief focus.  “WE HOPE IN YOU”, JESUS, for our guidance and sustenance SHOULD be the FIRST resort, especially for we who are CHOSEN!  Why would someone whom ALMIGHTY GOD CHOSE before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4) even consider doing something without seeking the approval of our CREATOR?  

“WE HOPE IN YOU” needs to be at the forefront of our thought process, not as a last resort when everything else had failed.  Maybe we need to experience NOT being able to solve our problems to learn that “WE HOPE IN YOU” IS the answer to every problem in our lives?  

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