Thursday, September 7, 2023


 Isaiah 64:6                           (KJV)

“But “WE ARE ALL” as an unclean thing, and all OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES ARE AS FILTHY RAGS; and WE ALL do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

Sometimes we Believers can become so pious with what we SEE as our RIGHTEOUS behavior that we lose sight of what/who we really are, FILTHY RAGS before a HOLY GOD!  Actually, some translations (Douay-Rheims Bible) refer to FILTHY RAGS as a polluted garment of a menstruous woman.  Isaiah says in the text above that “WE ARE ALL” as an unclean thing, not just Believers!  “WE ARE ALL” means ALL, including the most well thought of people who act as though they are above sin!!!  Whether you are Pastor of the local church, or you are an elected official, or possibly a poor, debilitated drunkard, “WE ARE ALL” as FILTHY RAGS before ALMIGHTY GOD!!!

When we stand before our HOLY JUDGE on JUDGEMENT DAY and EVERYTHING is revealed for ALL to see, “WE ARE ALL” going to be exposed as the vile, worthless people that we are!  But Romans 5:6 says “For while we were still weak, at the right time CHRIST died for the ungodly.”  CHRIST has always been the SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT for we who place our TRUST in HIM!  Even Isaiah 53:4-6 it is written “HE (JESUS) was crushed for our iniquities”!  JESUS has paid the sin debt for HIS CHOSEN, not because we are better than others, BUT BECAUSE HE LOVED US!!!

My sin is ever before me (Psalms 51:3) as King David so eloquently wrote, but JESUS paid the debt for me and I am eternally grateful HE did!  “WE ARE ALL” but FILTHY RAGS before GOD, but when HE looks at me HE SEES the BLOOD OF JESUS in my place!!!  WHAT A SACRIFICE!!!

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