Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 2 Corinthians 13:5                         (ESV)

“[5] “EXAMINE YOURSELVES”, to see whether you are in the FAITH. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that JESUS CHRIST is in you?—UNLESS INDEED YOU FAIL TO MEET THE TEST!”

Failing to PROPERLY “EXAMINE YOURSELVES” might be something that hasn’t been done by many people in today’s society, most likely because the pace of “this world” operates so quickly that it is almost impossible to SEE things clearly!  

If, in fact, JESUS CHRIST is in you, then you CAN NOT be outside of HIS LORDSHIP!  John 10:27 plainly says “MY sheep hear MY voice, and I know them, AND THEY FOLLOW ME.”  IF you are following JESUS, then you are a part of HIS sheep!

However, if you are doing what “you think” is best, whether the results are “good” or “bad”, then you might NOT be a part of the KINGDOM OF GOD?

“EXAMINE YOURSELVES” needs to be performed in a thorough manner, much like when we see a physician regarding our physical health.  Most people don’t just go to the doctor when they have a problem, but the “check-ups” are for the physician to identify ANY abnormal conditions that might cause us harm!  

We should, at least, “EXAMINE YOURSELVES” as often as we see our physical doctor about our physical health.  A thorough examination of our SPIRITUAL CONDITION needs to be done on everyone who yearns to SEE JESUS!  One day it will be TOO LATE for any of us to “EXAMINE YOURSELVES”!!!!

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