Saturday, August 17, 2024


 Ephesians 3:20-21                    (ESV)

“[20] Now to HIM WHO is able to do “FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY” than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, [21] to HIM be Glory in the church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Typically we don’t have the capability to fathom how MAGNANIMOUS our LORD can respond to any request that is made to HIM.  While it is TRUTH that GOD HAS A PLAN and it WILL BE FULFILLED, HIS WORD instructs we BELIEVERS (Philippians 4:6) “make your requests known to GOD”!  

Now in our humanity, we do NOT have the capability of knowing precisely what THE PLAN OF GOD is, not only for us, but for those in our “community”!  Why else does GOD say to us in Hebrews 11:6 “…WITHOUT FAITH it is impossible to please him”??  We MUST (we have no choice!) LIVE by FAITH (Romans 1:17)!!!

ALMIGHTY GOD could have “FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY” planned for our lives……IF WE JUST BELIEVE!!!  Why do I want to live “in defeat” when “FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY” could be available??  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause YOUR humble servant to NOT look through the pessimistic eyes of “this world”, but to constantly be reminded that YOU can do “FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY” than all that we ask or think!!!

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