Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Psalm 19:1                   (ESV)

The Law of the LORD Is Perfect

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

    “[1] The heavens declare the “GLORY OF GOD”,

        and the sky above proclaims HIS handiwork.”

King David was “a man after GOD’s OWN HEART” (1 Samuel 13:14).  Yet he failed to live a perfect life, something that is greatly described in Scripture!  How could “a man after GOD’s OWN HEART” live a life that failed to Glorify GOD in so many ways?  

David must have had a repentant heart, for he had a lot of practice confessing his failures to GOD ALMIGHTY!  He MUST have grasped that GOD was THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR?  How else could a person who was SO powerful still understand the “GLORY OF GOD”?  

Seventeen years ago today I celebrated my 47th birthday at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital while recovering from the Brain Hemorrhage.  Although I was glad to be alive in 2007, I couldn’t process the severity of my condition. But gratefully I KNEW that I was alive by THE GRACE OF GOD!!!  Like King David, there was NO DOUBT that GOD had delivered me from “the valley of the shadow of death” and I am STILL HUMBLED by this!  

The “GLORY OF GOD” isn’t something that this humble servant can easily forget, nor can I fully understand!  Why did ALMIGHTY GOD CHOOSE to DELIVER me from such a precarious condition?  “However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from GOD” is what my doctor wrote on my first office visit following my release from the Rehabilitation Hospital.  

King David is/was certainly more recognized than me, but the SAME GOD that delivered so many MIRACLES for him certainly delivered at least one for me in 2007!  The “GLORY OF GOD” will forever be on my lips as I praise HIM for HIS HANDIWORK!!!

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