Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Psalm 119:160                     (ESV)

    “The sum (entirety) of “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”,

        and EVERY ONE of YOUR righteous rules ENDURES FOREVER.”

The longest chapter in the Holy Bible is Psalms 119. It has 176 verses!!  Not being remotely where I should be when it comes to searching for the things that are LIFE CHANGING, I usually just read a few verses of Scripture and try to let those verses MOVE me to GLORIFY HIM.  

It has been written “GOD SAID IT, I BELIEVE IT, AND THAT SETTLES IT!?!”  But I think it makes no difference if you Believe it or not!  If GOD says it, IT IS TRUTH!  At times humanity attempts to put words into a way that sounds more fluent and palatable to attain the desired result from the hearers.  ALMIGHTY GOD needs no flowery words to CHANGE the heart of anyone.  HE simply needs us to “listen” to HIM!!!  We don’t need to turn our music up, we don’t need to have jokes, we don’t require pomp and circumstance!  We NEED to HEAR FROM HIM!!!

There are people who actually think that portions of the Holy Bible are added by mankind???  Mortals may have a part in the writing of HIS WORD, but humans don’t operate without oxygen, and that doesn’t come without HIS provision!!  

Even 176 verses of Scripture IN ONE CHAPTER of 150 Psalms, of ONE BOOK of 66 books, written over thousands of years, can’t say it more plainly and accurately than what is in today’s single verse, and that is “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”!!!  “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH” “YOUR WORD IS TRUTH”!!!

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