Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Proverbs 16:9                    (ESV)

    “The heart of man plans his way,

        but “THE LORD” establishes his steps.”

There are MANY TIMES that I find myself dreading how I will HANDLE what might come my way when I REALLY have very little to do with it!  The morning I awoke and my face hit the floor all because a blood vessel in my brain had broken is a perfect example.  The statement written on my medical records a month after I was released to go home states “However, he has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from God”!!!  

When I am “required” by the ONE WHO CREATED me to pause and consider what the future holds, I am amazed that HE permits me to continue to breathe HIS AIR!!  I wasn’t here when HE SPOKE these worlds into existence, and I wasn’t here when HE suffered and died on Mount Calvary!  Yet I wonder how HE is going to do “miraculous things” with my life when every breath I breathe is a miracle!!!

GOD doesn’t require any of us to accomplish HIS PLAN! In Exodus 17:11 says “Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed.”  It was if GOD was telling US ALL that HE was there, but we MUST acknowledge HIS POWER for our BLESSING to be realized?  

Just as HE continues to GIVE ME BREATH, “THE LORD” is in control of WHATEVER is happening…..not only in our lives, but in EVERYTHING!!!  One day my physical life will end, and when that day comes HE will “take my breath away” for the final time!  Until THAT DAY, I will WORK and PRAISE “THE LORD” for WHO HE is and WHAT HE is doing!!!

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