Friday, August 2, 2024



Exodus 14:14                      (ESV)

“The LORD will fight for you, and “YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT”.”

A lot of us have the character trait of “joining in the crowd” when victory is being celebrated!  The verse in the photo above is different than the ESV, a version that I use most of the time.  But ALMIGHTY GOD is telling us that HE is fighting on our behalf, probably because we can DO NOTHING outside of HIM in the first place!!!

When my Brain Hemorrhaged in 2007, I was the type who thought that I could do ANYTHING with GODS HELP!  But GOD didn’t need the assistance of anyone, let alone the person HE was trying to SLOW DOWN!!  

Whether you use the translation BE SILENT, BE STILL, BE CALM, or HOLD YOUR PEACE, basically GOD was displaying to this humble servant that HE is enough!  HE doesn’t require assistance from me.  HE occasionally BLESSES me with an opportunity to TESTIFY if HIS GREATNESS and HIS ABILITY to restore any amount of health HE deems necessary!

There are occasions where “YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT” is more difficult than this weakling can fathom and I STILL try to “help GOD out”!  HE displayed to me recently that ONCE AGAIN HE is quite capable of delivering me from any dilemma I place myself in! “YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT” needs to be my default, rather than my last resort!!!

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