Monday, April 23, 2012


For someone who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I have to be careful NOT to get ahead, or behind, the LORD!  HE is the reason I am here to begin with!  The stroke I experienced in 2007 was only a gentle reminder that HE can take us from here, or leave us, whenever HE wants!!!

For the past four days I have been pondering and meditating Proverbs 23:7 and Proverbs 4:23.  I have read and listened to many sermons posted relating to these verses and am still listening and reading.  I am not sure what or why GOD wants me to share about these verses.......

But a few minutes ago a FACEBOOK friend posted this post and it sent chills over my body.  How can one ignore what GOD so blatantly puts in front of him? 

I just wanted to share with everyone that GOD does LOVE you and me and HE desires a relationship where we TRUST in HIM for the very air we breathe!  ABOVE ALL......

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