Tuesday, April 17, 2012


There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything - millions of dollars, mansions, cars, nice clothes, beautiful women, and every other materialistic thing you can imagine. Now I struggle for peace.

Richard Pryor 

There is a website called www.brainyquotes.com where I love to view what Thomas Jefferson, C.S. Lewis, Abraham Lincoln and various other well-known people have their famous sayings recorded.  A few days ago I was perusing the names of famous people and I came across the name of Richard Pryor.  I had seen Richard Pryor giving an interview on Entertainment Television about 20 years ago.  It was the interview where he made this comment!

Richard Pryor was talking about "The peace that passes all understanding".  He was not talking about no noise.  He was not talking about everything in life going well.  He was talking about PEACE!  

The book of Romans in the BIBLE leaves little doubt from where PEACE originates.  Romans 2:10, 3:17, 5:1, 14:17 and on and on.  My favorite is Roman 8:6 where scripture says "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and PEACE!"  

The first thing I usually do is go to dictionary.com and look up a definition of the word I am trying to describe.  But after looking up the word PEACE I was left with nothing to write.  There are SO many explanations or definitions that I could not write ALL of them.  It is amazing that PEACE can only be described by saying JESUS!  HE is PEACE! 

Perhaps Richard Pryor was looking for the PEACE that only JESUS can bring. Maybe he found that peace before he died.  I can tell you this.......I would not trade the PEACE that GOD (through JESUS CHRIST) gives and allows me to have!  The wealth and fame that celebrities seek and have CANNOT fill the void in our lives that ONLY the JESUS fills!  A square peg won't fit in a round whole! 

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