Monday, April 2, 2012


Yesterday, while sitting in church, I was trying to think just how many years ago it was since JESUS rode into Jerusalem on a donkey!  Can you imagine.....the SON OF GOD being lowered to riding on a donkey!  But, it should have not surprised me, or anyone else.  JESUS started out by coming to to earth in a poor, humble virgin.  He was raised doing labor in a carpenter shop.  He never had "THE BEST" as I wanted to give my kids. 

And only a few days later HE was being CRUCIFIED for crimes HE did not commit?  HE took my sins and my shame on HIS shoulders and did so willingly!  There was, and is ,no other way for me to escape the judgement I deserve.  And HE did this out of LOVE for all of us!  There is no other reason or excuse for HIS sacrifice! 

2 Corinthians 5:21 (ESV) states "For our sake HE made HIM  to be sin who had no sin, so that in HIM we might become the righteousness of GOD."  GOD the CREATOR loved me so much that HE paid a price to make me fit to come to HIM!!!

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