Friday, April 13, 2012

Is what you see what you get?!?!

I hardly EVER read the editorial page of our local paper.  At the top of the page it reads OPINIONS which lets me know it is only one person's thoughts and why they think they are correct.  Another view can have some points that are correct, if painted in the right light. 

GOD's word is infallible!  There are SOME that think THEY have a better view of how to live our lives.  They think they know the best way for not only them, but everyone else to live.  But, Proverbs 16:5 (ESV) says "There is a way that SEEMS right to a man, but its end is the way to death!" 

We can not even trust our feeble minds, eyes, ears, and hearts!  The disciples of Christ WATCHED as Christ was crucified on a cross.  Yet, in Luke 24:38-39 JESUS tells his disciples not be be alarmed.  HE was risen from the DEAD!! 

GOD can, and does, do things way beyond our imagination.  Everyday HE is working to accomplish HIS glory and draw praise and honor to HIS name!  And there is NO answer or explanation to it!  We would not serve a very big GOD if there was!!!

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