Friday, September 11, 2015


Deuteronomy 28:1-2                         (ESV)
"1 "And "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" the voice of the LORD your GOD, being careful to do all HIS commandments that I command you today, the LORD your GOD will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your GOD."

Fourteen years ago seems like such a long time ago.  But I remember seeing the planes flying into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Pennsylvania field like it was LAST WEEK! Most want to blame the terrorists, the government, some even blame a conspiracy of both!  But if you boil it down to "brass tacks", the Word of GOD is pretty clear who is to blame!  And no one ever wants to admit it, but the fault lies right at my doorstep!!!

On September 11, 2001 at 6:30AM my life was busy beyond belief!  In 1999 I had started my own insurance agency, gotten elected to the local school board, continued coaching my sons in youth baseball, umpired other youth games not being played in by my sons, continued teaching Sunday School at the church where I served as a Deacon, and tried to be a husband and father!  At 11:30AM on September 11, 2001 the United States of America "knew" we were under attack by enemy forces and EVERYTHING in my life was shut down!  

Remembering back, it was real quiet where I was.  No airplanes, no railroad engines, commerce ceased, churches opened, and people in general looked to Heaven for protection!  Even in Washington D.C. our Senators and Representatives held hand on the steps of the Capital and sang "GOD BLESS AMERICA", with no protests from anyone!  We were singularly focused on being AMERICANS!  Everyone knew that the problem was bigger than any of us could handle.  Only GOD could handle this!  The words "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" were easy to say, for we were in such peril.

Scripture states in Deuteronomy 28 "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" the voice of the LORD your  GOD that HE will set you high above all the nations of the earth".  I would venture to say that within a couple of weeks everyone was back at work, funerals were mostly behind us, clean up was well under way, and everyone was focused on just WHO was responsible for the acts of war committed against our nation!  No one wanted to admit that the MAIN PROBLEM was that we had gotten away from "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" as a nation.  

My life gets so busy that I don't THINK I have time to listen for, and to, the LORD.  But GOD seldom says to hurry up and get ahead of the game, or to work harder, smarter, or be more efficient, and HE will bless your efforts.  There are, however, NUMEROUS scriptures that DO say to BE STILL, WAIT ON THE LORD, TRUST IN GOD, and "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" the LORD will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray YOU will cause me to focus on "IF YOU FAITHFULLY OBEY" and trust in YOU for the results!!

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