Sunday, September 6, 2015


 Luke 11:1-4                  (ESV)
"1 Now JESUS was praying in a certain place, and when HE finished, one of HIS disciples said to HIM, "LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY"  as John taught his disciples."
2 And HE said to them, "When you pray, say: "FATHER, hallowed be YOUR name. YOUR kingdom come. 
3 Give us each day our daily bread, 
4 and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation."

My Pastor has been sick and I want to help him so badly, but all I can do is pray?!?!  

I can't make his condition any better by "wishing" he was better.  If I had billions of dollars I couldn't add one healthy day to his life.  As a matter of fact, I had a friend who was only in his mid-50's and passed away, his net worth was over 1 billion dollars!  His wealth couldn't extend his life one more day!  Medical doctors, who we generally go to when we have physical ailments, have an average life expectancy of a little over 73 years old!  If they had the answers don't you think their average life expectancy would be in the 90's?

There are PLENTY of people I know who are in their mid-90's and going strong.  A lot of them are Christians who have a devout prayer life.  Some live to be over 90 and have never made a decision for Christ to inhabit their life.  How can we make a difference in their lives to have them consider living for JESUS?  Why don't we have any more confidence in our prayer life than to allow people we love to die without having a relationship with JESUS?

Why do we think PRAYING is such a weak response!  When JESUS CHRIST was crucified the veil of The Temple (Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38) was torn in two FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!! No longer were we required to have a priest approach the Throne of GOD with our requests or concerns!  It took the death of JESUS to provide a direct link to THE FATHER !

Why do we say "all I can do is pray" when someone is in need?  Maybe if our prayer life was more "intense" we wouldn't think making our petitions known to our CREATOR is such a small deal?  Maybe if I were more "in tune" with THE FATHER I would cherish the privilege of approaching HIS throne more frequently?  We have the awesome privilege of conversing with THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES and I have a hard time spending 30 minutes before HIS THRONE?  WHAT is wrong with me???

This weekend I plan on seeing a movie entitled "WAR ROOM".  The trailers I have watched indicate the FAITH of a dear saint whose PRAYER LIFE is phenomenal!  It appears that there are some of us who need to say "LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY" and let HIM instruct us on how to communicate with THE FATHER.  We shouldn't be so proud to learn from HIS SPIRIT directing our lives.  "LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY" 

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