Wednesday, September 9, 2015


John 15:18-19                (ESV)
"18 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated ME before it hated you.
19 IF YOU WERE OF THE WORLD, the world would LOVE YOU AS ITS OWN; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore "THE WORLD HATES YOU"."

"This world" has an innate ability to make you FEEL accepted, part of their family, one of "the in-crowd" until it has you right where they want you!  JESUS told HIS followers that "this world" (the natural) would "hate you", not to scare them, but to prepare them!  We tend to want everyone, this world included, to love us and to treat us like they love us.  Don't let the deceiver paint a false narrative, "THE WORLD HATES YOU"!  

JESUS said in John 15:16 "YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME, but I CHOSE YOU and appointed you that you should GO and BEAR FRUIT and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY name, HE MAY GIVE IT TO YOU."  "This world" is diametrically opposed to the Kingdom of GOD, which according to GOD's WORD has already won the ultimate battle in CHRIST JESUS!  

John 8:39-47 JESUS speaks to the religious elite, the scribes and Pharisees, whom the enemy had blinded so they COULD NOT SEE THE TRUTH.  The deceiver attempts to prevent us from seeing THE TRUTH by disguising himself as an imitation of the light, a counterfeit of THE TRUTH!  In Matthew 24:24 JESUS warns that if it were possible "even the elect" would be "deceived"!  JESUS is warning us to be on guard against the enemy!   The Greek word polus , translated “many,” means “many, much, great” ( Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words , 1985, “Many”). This DECEPTION is clearly massive and widespread.  

The great deceiver will make some feel as though they are non-offensive and able to get along with "this world"!  But THE TRUTH said "THE WORLD HATES YOU' and no matter how great "this world" makes you FEEL, their ultimate goal is to bring death and destruction to as many as possible.  

We are at war!  I must go into my WAR ROOM and prepare today's battle plan, for "THE WORLD HATES ME" and wants to destroy me!  Paul write in Ephesians 6:11 to put on the WHOLE armor of GOD so that we can stand against the "schemes" of the devil!  "THE WORLD HATES ME" but JESUS LOVES ME!  The battle has been won, I just have to live in VICTORY!!!

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