Monday, November 28, 2016


Psalms 46:10                      (KJV)
"Be still, and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted "AMONG TGE HEATHEN", I will be exalted in the earth."

From reading the Bible studies I have shared over the past few years, one can see that when it comes to Psalms 46:10 that I mostly focus on BE STILL.  Of course, GOD spoke to me through this verse following the Brain Hemorrhage I experienced on 2007.  Being placed in a coma for 17 days is something I learn lessons from even today.  My recollection of the events leading up to being placed in the coma is limited to the morning of July 9 for the most part.  The drug that was used to induce the coma basically erased my memory from July 9, 2007 until about August 09, 2007 with the exception of a few times.  Although I was living, I was unable to function normally.

This morning the word "heathen" in The latter portion of Psalms 46:10 spoke to me.  The King James Version of the Bible is what I grew up with, but I typically I use the English Standard Version because I have found it to be closer to the original text than any other version.  The ESV uses the word translated "heathen" to say "nations".   However, when I look at the word "heathen" in the dictionary I find "an individual of a people that do not acknowledge the GOD of the Bible;".

There are many people today that are in a similar position I was in from July 09, 2007 to August 09, 2007.  They are alive, but they cannot function because they have never been "called out of darkness into HIS marvelous light"!  (1 Peter 2:9).  Many don't "acknowledge the GOD of the Bible;" because their eyes haven't been opened to SEE the TRUTH!  Although they are alive, they cannot function properly because they don't SEE TRUTH when it is right in front of their faces.

Don't let the enemy cause you to look upon these people with anything other than love.   They don't SEE what has yet to be revealed to them, and the only way the TRUTH can be revealed to them is through hearing of the WORD!  (Romans 10:17).  We are called to pray for those who need to hear the WORD.  But we are also called to share HIS WORD with a lost and dying world.  GOD will be exalted "AMONG THE HEATHEN", and HE will be exalted among the earth!  Will you be exalting HIM before the Judgement?  Don't be "an individual of a people that do not acknowledge the GOD of the Bible"!

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