Saturday, November 12, 2016


John 14:6                        (ESV)
"JESUS said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except "THROUGH ME!"

Yesterday there was a post on one of the social media sites entitled "Don't give Trump too much credit, America!"   The article was well written and basically said Americans don't need to expect too much from anyone affiliated with the government, for GOD is the only ONE who truly can satisfy a need.  President-Elect Donald Trump is being hailed by some as the cure for every ailment since, and including, the common cold.  Those expectations will probably lead to unrealistic expectations from a mere human being.  Mr. Trump has to put his britches on every day just like all of us and he can do nothing without the Hand of ALMIGHTY GOD allowing it.

According to Proverbs 21:1 GOD can turn a kings heart wherever HE chooses, like a stream of water!  The LORD can bless the United States of America if HE chooses to.   Everyone has heard 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If MY people, which are called by MY name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  I believe GOD wants to bless America, but not because Donald Trump has been elected President!  Maybe in spite of Mr. Trump, but not because of him!   GOD may bless our country again, but only because of the mercy of GOD ALMIGHTY!

Folks, it's not about what Donald Trump, nor any other candidate, will be able to do for anyone when they become President.   JESUS CHRIST is the only ONE who can do anything about our eternal beings and HE completed that task over two thousand years ago.  Doing things about what race you are will have no bearing at the Judgement Seat.  As a matter of fact, JESUS said several times in Scripture that in this world we WILL HAVE TROUBLE!  Keep your eyes on the Spiritual things of your future and your present troubles will become insignificant.  John 4:24 says ""GOD IS SPIRIT""!!  There's no white Spirit, no black Spirit, no red, yellow, green or whatever color Spirit!

Some may say that it's too late, that GOD is through waiting on America to repent?  I'm glad I'm not the one who determines when it's time for GOD's mercy to run out!  Mr. Trump cannot bring Blessings or Judgment on America, but GOD can!  If we look to Mr. Trump to be a Savior then we set him, AND America, up for failure.  Carman Licciardello sings a song that says "The only hope for America is JESUS.  The only hope for our country is HIM.  If "we" repent of our ways, stand firm and say, WE NEED GOD IN AMERICA AGAIN"!!!

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