Friday, November 18, 2016


Obedience to the Spirit of GOD----Only by choosing NOT TO BE SLAVES to our own reasonings and emotions (and energy levels or poor health) can we win the battle for our minds and begin hearing the voice of GOD within us. (Using our FAITH hearing..Matthew 13:43)

Romans 14:23 "But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. FOR WHATEVER DOES NOT PROCEED FROM FAITH IS SIN.

The two paragraphs above are the top of my prayer list.  Most days I have what some would call an extensive Bible Study lasting between an hour to sometimes two hours.  As I continue to mature Spiritually, I find that I can never spend enough time with the LORD!  It is becoming easier to identify the enemy as well, for he is extremely deceptive.

Let's just say that some human earthly figure (no names as it will facilitate removal of the spirit behind the actions) is rewarding strife and discontent with cash.  And the news media is complicit, plastering the egregious acts all across the airwaves giving the discontents notoriety for the lawless acts they commit.  Why would we watch something knowing it was just the devil's handiwork?  The one who is really behind it though is the enemy, serving to drag as many souls into Hell as companions as he possibly can!

As I was beginning to talk about in the opening paragraph, Genesis 3:1 says the the enemy is as crafty, deceiving and manipulative as anything GOD ever created.  If he can use his deceit to get my dander up watching so called "news accounts" of the so-called protestors, don't you know he will exploit that as much as possible?  GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE wants us to trust in HIM!  Many say the are Believers, but then act as though this world is spinning out of control!  But we just said GOD IS IN CONTROL!!

Perhaps our focus should be more about trying to live a more HOLY life for HIM and not being as upset with the tactics of the enemy?  JESUS paid a tremendous price when HE defeated the devil.  We don't need to try to add to the work already completed by HIM!  Colossians 3:1-4 states "If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST is, seated at the right hand of GOD.  "SET YOUR MINDS" ON THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH.  For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD.  When CHRIST WHO is your life appears, then you also will appear with HIM in glory."

DON'T let the enemy (the great deceiver) get your focus on the problems of "this world"!  One commentary seems to indicate we should intentionally focus on the things of Heaven!  When we "SET YOUR MINDS" on things above, we are refusing to settle for the poison the enemy is wanting us to foster.  We need to intentionally focus on the things of Heaven and "SET YOUR MINDS" to reject the enemy at every turn!!!

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