Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Romans 1:8                      (ESV)
"First, I "THANK MY GOD" through JESUS CHRIST for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world."

A dear friend of mine celebrated his birthday yesterday and this morning was thanking his friends for all of the warm wishes he received yesterday.  He said he "very much appreciate your friendship" in his message on social media.  Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States of America and I am of the belief that our nation as a whole appreciates the holiday, but I'm not sure we demonstrate an appreciation of our friendship with the LORD?

Sure, we go to church most Sundays and give a tithe/offering, but what else do we do to "celebrate" our love for HIM?  JESUS said in Matthew 25:40 "'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"  The "least of these" JESUS spoke of was the hungry, thirsty, and imprisoned, not the rich, upstanding members of society.  It seems the church today wants to have a lot of meetings in our ornate structures but we elect to send a token offering while we live in homes that would make people think that "this world" is our home?

Just like the early Pilgrims, perhaps we should "THANK MY GOD" for our friends and share our Thanksgiving meal with them?  We need to remember that "this world" is not our home, we are just passing through!  Until we get to our true home, will we "THANK MY GOD" for our bounty AND OUR FRIENDS?  Or will we remain in our castles and send a "penance to the beggars"?  Only GOD ALMIGHTY knows our hearts, and that should frighten us beyond measure!

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