Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Genesis 1:1                                     (ESV)
"In the beginning, "GOD CREATED" the heavens and the earth."

When we look up the word "CREATED" in the dictionary, the first definition found is "to cause to come into being".  And when we insert the word "GOD" in front of it we remove all of our human suppositions or limitations on what we imagine or expect to be able to see?  After all, GOD says in Isaiah 55:8-9 "For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts."  So why do we attempt to figure out what GOD is going to do next?

It GOD was intelligent enough to "CREATE" this world, don't you think HE might have a Plan for how to get us through whatever lies before us?  There are many videos of just how massive our Universe is.  The EARTH is but a small, seemingly insignificant part of HIS Plan.  One video shows that the EARTH is less than a pinhead size compared to the galaxy we live in.  Yet we all want to act as though WE are the only thing that matters?  What WE selfishly desire won't make a bit of difference when GOD gets ready to judge this world.

The fact that GOD sent HIS SON to LIGHT this world (John 8:12) should let us know of HIS LOVE, but some of us cannot SEE "THE TRUTH" even though HE is all around us.  When JESUS was explaining to the Jews WHO HE was, they couldn't even SEE HIM, because "HIS hour had not yet come" (John 8:20)!  Unless GOD reveals things to us, we will not be able to SEE them.  When "GOD CREATED" the heavens and the earth, I'm amazed that HE was able to chart history without any human input, some committee or judicial body!  No, "GOD CREATED" everything for HIS Glory with no guidance or direction from mankind, and  HE doesn't need any help today!

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