Friday, November 11, 2016


1 John 4:8                    (ESV)
"Anyone WHO DOES NOT LOVE does not know GOD, because "GOD IS LOVE."

Whenever I see division and strife, I automatically begin looking for the enemy, as that is his modus operandi.  His character cannot be hidden, as a bad seed cannot produce a good crop.  He cannot produce LOVE, for "GOD IS LOVE"!  Do NOT allow your focus to be shifted from the true problem.  When there is hate, the enemy is around!!!

Today is Veterans Day and any veteran will tell you one of the first things you have to learn in combat training is to identify your enemy!  Folks, until we start recognizing that the enemy is making himself out to be anything but GOD and LOVE, we will continue having unresolved disagreements.  The enemy loves to create discord and rebellion.  I know because he used to use me as one of his most effective tools!!  And the most regretful thing for me is I didn't even recognize that I was being a pawn for him.

Please don't allow yourself to be drug into an argument all because you want to prove yourself correct.  How many souls will spend eternity in hell that I could have been a better witness to?  And all because I thought I had to win an argument!  Please remember "GOD IS LOVE" and since the Spirit of GOD lives in me, I need to reflect HIS LOVE in everything I do!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, I beseech YOU to reveal YOURSELF in my life and show this world that "GOD IS LOVE" in all I do!!!

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