Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Galatians 6:6-8                             (KJV)
“6 Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.
7 “DO NOT BE DECEIVED”: GOD is not mocked, for whatever one SOWS, that will he also REAP.
8 For the one who SOWS to his own flesh will from the flesh REAP corruption, but the one who SOWS to the SPIRIT will from the SPIRIT REAP eternal life.”

Modern day Believers tend to pick and choose scriptures to stand on that bolster their beliefs whether the scripture is taken out of context or not.  I’m sure that sharing select scripture is something I have been guilty of in my dreadful past.  

Recently I saw an article that said GOD IS LOVE so HE can’t help but love us.  But what do you say about Proverbs 6:16-19 which begins with “There are six things that the LORD “hates”, seven that are an abomination to HIM:...”.   GOD SO LOVED (John 3:16) this world that HE gave HIS ONLY HOLY SON as a recompense for our souls.   But if we fail to surrender to HIS LORDSHIP over our lives GOD can’t SEE HIS SON’s sacrifice for our sins.  HE only SEES our sinful existence and HE hates sin!!!

Far too often we want to let our gardens grow up with weeds and unwanted things instead of taking the time and effort to weed and nurture our plants.  When we do that with our lives, we run the risk of trying to dress up our gardens with the weeds and unwanted growth in them.  On Judgement Day when ALL THINGS will be tested, we will be left with the things we have done in THE SPIRIT!  Everything else will be consumed by the fire of purification.  

Genesis 3:1 (KJV) says “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD GOD had made”.  The word SUBTIL has also been translated SNEAKY, CRAFTY and DECEIVING!  The enemy wants to cause us to believe anything except what ALMIGHTY GOD has spoken.  Our sin WILL find us out (Numbers 3:23) and it MUST be paid for!  Thankfully JESUS offers THE ONLY redemption for our sins.  “DO NOT BE DECEIVED”, NOTHING else will suffice!  

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