Wednesday, November 8, 2017


2 Peter 3:17-18                               (ESV)
“17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are NOT CARRIED AWAY with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.
18 But “GROW” in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. To HIM be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”

My grandfather forgot more about “GROW”ing things than most people (myself included) will ever know, mainly because he had plenty of practice at his craft!  He began helping in the family garden long before he ever went to school (around 1916) and finished gardening in his late 80’s (1997).  Passing on his knowledge was not one of his greatest gifts, so what little I learned was from distant admiration and respect.   

To be able to “GROW” in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST takes a dogged determination, probably similar to my grandfathers gardening.   He gardened during the Great Depression when his very  survival was dependent upon his ability to raise crops.  There can be times when we have no hope but to trust in a Holy GOD to provide our needs.   At least for me, the path isn’t that far away, but I can’t SEE it because my eyes are may have “scales” over them, like the Apostle Paul did in Acts 9:18.  It’s not as if we don’t want to SEE, but ALMIGHTY GOD may not be ready for us to have the answers to our needs just yet because we aren’t ready yet?  

“GROW”ing to where we can be used for HIS Glory can be one of the most uncomfortable experiences you (or I) will ever go through.  To adequately “GROW” all weeds have to be pulled and proper fertilizer has to be apply.   Similarly, we almost continuously have to confess our sinful ways and stay in HIS WORD to fertilize our “GROW”th.  

Only GOD will be able to judge how much we “GROW”.   My grandfather has been receiving his eternal reward since May 2000, but his ability to “GROW” things continues to foster his legacy.   Will my legacy be to “GROW” anything?  We have to be careful to be NOT CARRIED AWAY by false teachings from “the enemy”!  True seeds are found in HIS WORD and we need to make sure we “GROW” those seeds!!!

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