Thursday, November 23, 2017


1 Chronicles 16:34                          (ESV)
“Oh give THANKS to the LORD, for HE is good; for HIS steadfast love endures forever!”

As I sit in my recliner this morning, my wife has the television on watching a parade celebrating “Thanksgiving Day”?  It seems “this world” commercializes everything in effort to minimize the effect that GOD and HIS Goodness brings.

“Thanksgiving Day” was initially intended to give thanks to ALMIGHTY GOD for HIS providence and sustenance.  An Internet search of “original Thanksgiving celebration” brings this response....

“The English colonists we call Pilgrims celebrated days of thanksgiving as part of their religion. But these were days of prayer, not days of feasting. Our national holiday really stems from the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest.”

Just for one day, perhaps we could eliminate most of the “noise” offered by the enemy and truly be THANKFUL to ALMIGHTY GOD for allowing us to be used by HIM today?  Maybe we can make these “days of prayer, not of feasting”?!?  Happy Thanksgiving doesn’t mean eat all you can.   A day where we GIVE THANKS should be all about GOD and HIS MERCIES.  

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