Thursday, November 30, 2017


2 Corinthians 3:16-18                    (ESV)
“16 But when one turns to the LORD, “THE VEIL IS REMOVED”.
17 Now the LORD is the SPIRIT, and where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is freedom.
18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the SAME IMAGE from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the LORD WHO is the SPIRIT.”

It is humbling, yet amazing, how GOD uses seemingly unconnected circumstances in our lives to “fit” into HIS Plan!   Last evening I prayed while going to sleep that GOD would place the Words HE needed me to write on my heart this morning so I could be used for HIS Glory.   Sure enough, this morning GOD gave me the opportunity to share that making sure our LIGHT shines is what we are ALL called to do for the Kingdom.  And I didn’t even realize that GOD was leading me to this scripture!  

This scripture begins with “But when one turns to the LORD”, leaving me to deduce that until one turns to the LORD the veil will remain over their eyes.  One can’t know where to go until “THE VEIL IS REMOVED” and they can SEE clearly.  We can allow sin to so cloud our vision that we can’t SEE the direction GOD is leading us in, and frustrations usually follow.  Being led by the SPIRIT of GOD brings PEACE, as stated in verse 17 “...where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is freedom.”  

Making sure “THE VEIL IS REMOVED” has to come from a continuous cleansing by the HOLY SPIRIT, convicting us of our faults and causing us to repent and be cleansed!  We are ALL dirty vessels that need to be cleaned daily.  Until we SEE our need to be cleansed, we may need to make certain “THE VEIL IS REMOVED”?!?!

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