Monday, November 27, 2017


Isaiah 40:30-31                           (ESV)
“Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; 
but “THEY WHO WAIT” for the LORD shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.”

From time to time I wake up in the middle of the night with a Bible verse on my mind.  Recently I did just that and was up in the wee hours of the morning writing what GOD was speaking to me.   I do this trying hard not to rely on my memory, as it is becoming more and more unreliable as I age.  Is this because I am getting old, or do you think I am FINALLY learning to listen when HE speaks and document what I’m being told?  

Waiting for the LORD has never been a strong suit of mine.  To be honest, if stubbornness and pig-headedness were positive traits, I would probably be a saint!  Finding myself barreling full speed ahead and doing what “I think” is best was how I lived most of my life, and it is how I developed this lifestyle that I am having a difficult time breaking free from.  The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 that he asked GOD to remove a “thorn in my flesh” three times, but GOD told him “MY grace is sufficient” for you.  

Do you think GOD is telling me that HIS grace will be sufficient for me until I learn how to be one of “THEY WHO WAIT”?  Do I pause hoping that ALMIGHTY GOD will deliver HIS Plan for me in a “fast-food drive through” time span?  Or is GOD patiently waiting for me to learn to become “THEY WHO WAIT” for HIS direction before I try to forge ahead?

“THEY WHO WAIT” are people who can see past what they want and SEE forward to that which GOD has Planned for their lives.  There is NO FEAR in waiting for THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE to deliver HIS Promise, only when we are operating on our own timeline!  

HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to be one of YOUR chosen who have become “THEY WHO WAIT” and trust, not only in YOU, but in YOUR timing!!!

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