Monday, November 13, 2017


John 3:16                                        (KJV)
“For GOD SO LOVED the world, that HE GAVE HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

We all think we know what LOVE is.  I didn’t think the love I have for my wife could be more than I had for her when we were married.  But I now see that love was minuscule in comparison to the love I have for her today.  Then came my children and I couldn’t imagine my heart being more full!  Even though disappointment with their actions sometimes caused grief, my love for them continues to mature.  Now I am experiencing grandchildren and the love I now experience is unimaginable!  Great-grandchildren, should I be so blessed, will be.........well, GREAT!!

JESUS even says in scripture in John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Would I lay down my life for my wife?  Or my children?  Do we even have to ask about my grandchildren?  Of course I would gladly lay down my life, in a heartbeat, for any of my offspring, and certainly for the one GOD gave me to love, honor and protect.  My life doesn’t seem like much of a price for any of the ones I love! 

But why would ALMIGHTY GOD sacrifice HIS only begotten SON for someone as selfish, egotistical, vile and corrupt as I am?  For certain, I don’t acknowledge HIM like I should, although I have been where few others have been, medically speaking.  But weren’t we ALL lost with NO HOPE before being called into HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT (1 Peter 2:9)?  Why would a HOLY GOD sacrifice a HIS only PERFECT SON for someone as despicable as me?  

John 3:16 begins with “GOD SO LOVED”!  HIS LOVE is something we can’t imagine nor describe. We can’t draw a picture of something so immense and inclusive.  My prayer is, that as I mature Spiritually, that the love I exhibit will look more like the “GOD SO LOVED” kind and HE will be honored and Glorified in my actions.  We are instructed to “die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31) and allow HIS reflection to shine through our lives.  Why? So we can display that “GOD SO LOVED” and HE can use our lives to draw others to HIM!!!

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