Wednesday, August 8, 2018


1 John 5:13-15                       (ESV)
“13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the SON of GOD, that you may KNOW that you have eternal life.
14 And this is the confidence that we have toward HIM, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO “HIS WILL” HE hears us.
15 And if we know that HE hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of HIM.”

Seeing so many people who claim to have the answers about how to correct where we have erred in the rearing of our children (most of whom are already grown!) is really asinine.  The blueprint for the entire family structure is plainly described within the pages of Scripture, and mankind doesn’t seem to want to TRUST GOD with our children?  Seeing people who have answers to the social injustices that have existed since creation is another area of concern.  We ALL have, shall we say “imperfections”, therefore we need a Savior!

The answers for ALL of the “imperfections” have ALL been given to us, but it appears that no one is interested in seeking answers from a HOLY GOD?  We ALL have been “assigned” (1 Corinthians 7:17) difficulties in this life.  How those problems are dealt with says a lot about who our trust is in!  If we believe that we can handle them by ourselves, then our trust is in our own abilities and so-called wisdom.  If we rely on GOD ALMIGHTY to lead us, then we are submitting to “HIS WILL”, HIS Plan, for our lives.  

We can be “doing things” supposedly for GOD and still be missing “HIS WILL”!   In July 2007 my plans were to begin a Non-Profit helping students with little or no parental support navigate their way through high school and hopefully into college.  Of course, GOD had a different Plan and HE abruptly got my attention July 09, 2007 when my brain sprung a leak. The two years recovering helped me SEE that my plans, although noble, weren’t HIS Plans (Isaiah 55:8-9) and I needed to SLOW DOWN and seek HIS guidance in my life!  

When we are seeking “HIS WILL” in our lives, we have to let our own desires die a sometimes slow death!  Allowing GOD to use us for HIS Glory should be our goal, not for HIM to glorify us!  While we can ask anything FOR HIM, asking ACCORDING TO “HIS WILL” requires us being SUBMISSIVE to HIS Plan, AND on HIS timeline!  

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