Wednesday, August 29, 2018


James 1:5-6                                (ESV)
“5 If any of you LACKS WISDOM, “LET HIM ASK GOD”, WHO GIVES GENEROUSLY to ALL without reproach, and IT WILL be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.”

This passage of Scripture has so many lessons, and mankind is in such great need, it causes us to wonder why we can’t SLOW DOWN and absorb what we don’t?  To begin with, “If any of you LACKS WISDOM” is akin to asking if any of us need oxygen?  Everyone MUST HAVE oxygen to survive.  But some choose to ingest other items into their bodies to replace oxygen, something we MUST HAVE!  For most of my adult life I was one of these people, but was delivered from the habit in 2007.  

The word WISDOM is mistaken sometimes for KNOWLEDGE as some people have a tendency to think that a degree from a institute of higher learning indicates WISDOM.   However, Proverbs 3:6 says “For the LORD gives WISDOM; from HIS mouth come knowledge and understanding;”.  A person can have unlimited college degrees and still be the most illiterate person known to man.   Unless we recognize that GOD ALMIGHTY is the source of true WISDOM, HE is not apt to bestow tremendous amounts on us.  

GOD tells us in James 1:5 when we recognize that we need WISDOM, “LET HIM ASK OF GOD”, WHO GIVES GENEROUSLY to ALL....!  Now in my personal experience, most of the time GOD doesn’t necessarily act on our timetable.  As a matter of fact, GOD still has to SLOW DOWN my life because I try to “make things happen”!  GOD may give GENEROUSLY to ALL, but HIS timing can scare us immensely!  Chapter 14 of Exodus should teach us that.  

“LET HIM ASK OF GOD” isn’t a promise that GOD will reply on out timeline.  Scripture does indicate that GOD GIVES GENEROUSLY to ALL.......on HIS TIMELINE!  We serve, not A creator, but the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES, and we needed to recognize that HE loves us unconditionally.  HE WILL give generously to ALL as HE gets Glory for doing so.  My prayer is that I will be one who “LET HIM ASK OF GOD” is like breathing air, I will do it because I have to have it!!!

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