Monday, August 13, 2018


Luke 9:43-45                                  (ESV)
“43 And all were astonished at “THE MAJESTY OF GOD”. But while they were all marveling at everything HE was doing, JESUS said to HIS disciples,
44 "Let these words sink into your ears: The SON of MAN is about to be delivered into the hands of men."
45 But they did not understand this saying, and IT WAS CONCEALED FROM THEM, so that they might not perceive it. And they were afraid to ask HIM about this saying.”

Lately I have been entranced for “THE MAJESTY OF GOD “, much like the people of Luke 9 must have been in the Scripture above.  Imagining that the CREATOR of the universes humbled HIMSELF, even to death on the cross (Philippians 2:8) because HE loved us so much, and desired a relationship with us.  HE offered us a free pardon for sin, as we had no chance of salvation except through HIM.  

Even though JESUS plainly told them that HE would be delivered into the hands of men, they could “not perceive it”.  HIS own disciples even allowed HIM to journey to the cross alone, maybe because IT WAS CONCEALED FROM THEM by a Higher Power that the SON OF GOD would willingly sacrifice HIS LIFE for mankind.  How many times did JESUS foretell of HIS sacrifice, only to be abandoned by those who pledged allegiance to HIM?  

But don’t we act similarly when we are placed in a situation where we have the opportunity to speak up for JESUS?  We don’t testify about the things of GOD because we don’t want “this world” to be offended by our words of BELIEF.  The people surrounding JESUS “were all marveling at everything HE was doing”, yet they wouldn’t testify about HIM even minutes later.  They had become so captivated by DEITY being in there midst that they were prevented from absorbing that their CREATOR incarnate was literally among them, AND would ultimately sacrifice HIS life for us.  

How could HE?  Why would HE?   HE could have annihilated HIS entire creation and started from scratch with beings that would honor and obey HIM, but HE chose to be ridiculed, rejected, and denied by even HIS closest followers.   ”THE MAJESTY OF GOD” cannot be properly observed without SEEIng the LOVE OF GOD.  HE offered HIMSELF as a substitute for me as my sin was so heinous that “THE MAJESTY OF GOD” was/is my only hope!  Can you SEE that???

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